
Great blog post! Not only were the explanations described clear and concise, but the argument presented was sound and valid in reasoning.

I love the explanation and evidence you presented in support of Clifford’s argument. The supporting argument is not only sound and valid in reasoning, but was thorough in explaining the evidence in support of the thesis. I found it interesting how you stated that Clifford’s thesis and reasoning was a “fallacy within itself”. Great job!

Titanic is an excellent example on explaining Aristotle’s perspective on a tragedy. Not only was the movie tragic but I think it also does a great job at creating a catharsis. Aristotle saw tragedy as a way to purify and refine the emotions through a tragic catharsis. The movie Titanic clearly is a tragic catharsis.

I am a huge fan of art and I personally view art from the perspective of self expression rather than truth. I understand Plato’s reasoning in the arts and how many people can construe the arts as truth, however I do believe that most art is a necessary and healthy form of self expression. I love the examples you used in your explanation of how the arts can be twisted and portrayed as the truth/ reality. Great blog post!

I agree with your reasoning that “true art lies in the eye of the beholder”. No two people view a piece of art the same way and each person, based off of individual interpretation, creates his or her own perception on what the artwork is about. The perception is not based off of reality and truth, but subjective in nature. Art is a form of self expression based on one’s own personal experience.

The concept of “free -will”, I find to be rather interesting and love the examples that you gave in relation to desires and free will. The example of the cigarette and the ice cream are clear examples of an individual acting out of desire rather than what he or she knows to be the innate right or healthy thing to do, which is to avoid these items.

Great blog post on the topic of existentialism. I totally agree with you on not setting expectations and therefore not ever being disappointed when things don’t turn out the way you expect them too. I also live my life according to this theory and don’t set expectations. Bravo! Great words of wisdom to live by.

Your blog post did a great job at explaining the argument on determinism. The examples of the lion hunting the gazelle and the insects and trees were excellent examples in

support of the concept of determinism.

I agree with your statement that there is a dramatic difference between physical and emotional feelings. these feelings greatly influence our perceptions and help form and create the reality around us. The example of Lucille Ball’s husband clearly depicts how events can emotionally impact our perception on reality.

jewelz7487 May 10, 2017 at 8:25 am

The comparison of the wax to the human body was very intriguing and is a great example of dualism. Humans, similar to the wax have an extraordinary capability to adjust to the world around them. Meditation helps change our world views and allows for an open- minded perception of the world and self.

The examples you gave about the the professors of the religion clearly explains Clifford’s reasoning on the “Ethics of belief”. I also agree that the argument the used was a fallacy which led to the professors of the religion being falsely accused.

Excellent examples that you provided in support of your argument. I totally agree with you that people assume they know everything about a person, place or topic based off of what they have seen in a movie. Your examples brilliantly explained how in several cases people can misconstrue the things they see on television as the truth or reality.

Although this is a very brief blog post and can be elaborated on, it is a good definition on the concept of the “Will to believe”.

Excellent examples on the different types of fallacies. Your examples really helped me understand some of the concepts of the fallacy. Bravo on understanding the concepts and coming up with unique examples to depict the fallacy.

Excellent examples on the different types of Arguments. I liked the example you gave for “hair” example that you gave for the false conclusion. Great way to depict an argument with a false conclusion.

I agree with you that ignorance and emotion can cause a person to make decisions that help themselves while hurting others. The personal example that you gave of your father not paying child support clearly supports your argument and clearly depicts a story injustice.


This was a great blog post in relation to art and Tolstoy’s views on art. I agree that art should be expressed authentically and express emotion by the artist. Good works of art clearly depict the emotion or feelings of the artist in the present moment. This emotion is translated through the artists work and is felt emotionally by the audience.


Excellent blog post! The examples you gave on enslavement was an excellent example that explains Mil’s utilitarian theory. I strongly disagree with his view on morality. I do not agree that certain things, such as slavery and murder are morale, regardless of if the majority of the people were happy or not by the decision.